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Google requiring activity on your Google my business account


Today I received an important notification from a fellow SEO from Local Visibility System. I did not receive this notification but did follow the advice list by Phil and Mike Blumenthal.

Here is the email thank you Phil and Mike for sharing

You may have gotten a warning email from Google Places (also known as “Google My Business”) that asked you to log into your business’s page and confirm the info is still correct.

If you got that email, you’ll want to follow the instructions in it.  (if you can’t recall logging into your page in the last few months.)

Even if you didn’t get it, you’ll still want to log in and confirm for Google that you and your business are still alive and kicking.

What happens if you ignore Google: you won’t be the owner of your page anymore.  You’ll have to reclaim it (by phone or postcard).  Probably nobody will hijack your page in the meantime, nor are your reviews likely to disappear.  What’s more likely to happen is that some of your business info may change, and your rankings may take a hit.

Just log in at google.com/business, go to the area where you manage your page, and there should be instructions.  (Even if there aren’t instructions, simply logging in should do the trick.

(A little more detail in this post by Mike Blumenthal, if you’re interested:

A few notes:

1.  Although Google only sent the warning to US businesses, it’s a good idea to check up on your page if you’re outside the US.  There’s always another shoe that falls.

2.  When you’re in your Google Places dashboard, be sure to check out the “address” area.  You may see an error message.  Read this post if you do: http://bit.ly/1JqAexw

3.  If you don’t know what email address you (or someone else) used to claim/manage your page, you’re in for a little hassle.  Here’s the ugly link to the page with the instructions you’ll need to follow:

[schema type=”person” name=”Tim Roberts” orgname=”Local First SEO” jobtitle=”SEO” worksfor=”Local First SEO” url=”www.localfirstseo.com” description=”GOOGLE NOW REQUIRING NULL EDITS TO KEEP GMB LISITNGS ACTIVE IN US” street=”2540 King Arthur Blvd #109″ city=”Lewisville” state=”TX” postalcode=”75056″ country=”US” email=”tim@localfirstseo.com” phone=”4695491404″ ]

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