972-746-5910 info@localfirstseo.com

Free Google Analytics Report

Free Google analytics custom report | Local First SEO

Google Analytics is a powerful tool for your business. When configured correctly it can provide your business with information to power you past your competitors. By default, there are pre-configured reports that work out of the box, but the ability to customize and build your own reports from will allow you to gain valuable insights about your business from Google Analytics.

Very few businesses review their Google Analytics information daily or monthly. As a business owner, your time is usually spent on running the daily operations of your company, and if you do have time to review your Google Analytics you may be overwhelmed with all the data that is presented to you. There has been a better solution!!

We have a solution for you:

Local First SEO is offering business owners a free Top Converting Landing Page Report, SEO Analysis, and Social Media Dashboard for your Google Analytics account. Once the reports are configured you will be receiving a weekly email (email address provided by business) with your data. Reports can be configured monthly as well

How do I take advantage of this great offer?

Complete the following

  1. Open up a browser and go to google.com (I prefer chrome)
  2. In the upper right corner of the web page look for “Sign in”
  3. Click the “Sign In” button
  4. Sign in with your Gmail account (xxxxx@gmail.com)
  5. Copy and paste the following into your browser https://www.google.com/analytics/#?modal_active=none
  6. In the upper right corner select “Sign in” and select Google Analytics
  7. Click on your website (see below)

Local First SEO Google Analytices site| Carrollton

8. Once the page loads, at the top click on “ADMIN”

Local First SEO Google Analytics site page| Default view

9. Under Account select “User Management”

Google Analytics User Management | Carrollton TX

 10. On the right hand side look for “Add permissions for:”

Local First SEO Google Analytics Permission Page

Type in localfirstseotexas@gmail.com, select all the checkboxes on the right, and make sure the Notify this user by email is checked

When completed it should look something like this

Completed permission Page for Google Analytics

Once the above information has been filled in, please select “Add”

An email will be sent to you upon completion of setting up the Top Converting Landing Page Report, SEO Analysis Dashboard, and Social Media Dashboard in Google Analytics,

You can download the document here called “Adding A Manager To Google Analytics

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